Food Plots for Whitetails

Hunters today are looking to get the most out of their property and the white-tailed deer found there. The establishment and maintenance of food plots can be a component of any deer management plan. When combined with other habitat management techniques, food plots are a good way to provide additional forage to grow and produce bigger, healthier animals. However, hunters may have unrealistic expectations about the function of food plots. Food plots for deer are not a replacement for habitat management, but they compliment these other practices really well. So what can food plots do for you?

Successful food plots can enhance your land for deer and other wildlife by increasing the number of animals that visit the area at different times of the year. Food plots for whitetail deer serve as an important supplemental food source during the stressful weather conditions often experienced during summer and winter. Whitetail found in northern states often experience extreme winter conditions where natural foods are lacking, while deer in southern states often experience extreme summer conditions with an absence of high quality food sources. Food plots can help deer meet or exceed their nutritional requirements during these times of the year.

Food Plots for Whitetail Deer Management

The availability of more food means more food per deer. More food equates to improved body condition and better overall performance. Many hunters realize that well-fed bucks experience improved antler growth. This growth stems from superior body condition. Bucks in poor condition will have inferior antler growth. More food also means healthier does. Does in good condition are more capable of rearing multiple fawns. This means more survival and higher recruitment. When environmental conditions are really harsh during the winter, food plots can help all of these animals make it to spring green-up.

Food plots are great, but some deer managers and hunters rely too heavily on food plots as the main focus of their deer management program. This is a bad idea. Food plots should be considered as an integral part of a deer management program, but they should never be viewed as THE deer management program. Brush control, harvest management, prescribed burning, and overall improvement of native food sources should be used to enhance deer, turkey and other wildlife habitat on any property. Continue reading Food Plots for Whitetails

Food Plots for Whitetail Deer in Maryland

Question: “I have a small farm of approximately 70 acres. I live in Westminster, Maryland and I don’t farm it, but have a local farmer that does. My property is surrounded by much larger farms and between them they all feel that the whitetail deer would be better off dead and gone altogether. I understand their anger, the deer due huge damage to their crops of soybean and feed corn, but I figured if there were alternative sources of food for the deer, even food plots for whitetail deer, it would greatly reduce the crop damage.

Over the years I have seen the deer population decrease as well as the number of healthy bucks. I see more non-typical and just plain pitiful racks on some older deer and its starting to show in the younger ones. When I first moved here 10 years ago, there were already two 170 class dominant bucks, one using my property exclusively and another larger one on a adjacent property. Both were poached during night hunts, but I am seeing their offspring starting to come of age. Continue reading Food Plots for Whitetail Deer in Maryland